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Is Cold Calling Still Relevant? 

Imagine you run a business, and your marketing team tells you that cold calling is way off the limits. You said ok, let’s not apply cold calling as part of our marketing strategies. 

But after some time, you discovered that 82% of buyers accept meetings with salespeople after a cold call. You are left frustrated; WTH is this?

You want to apply cold calling immediately, but don’t know how to begin.

We have the perfect solution for you. In this guide, we’ll break down what cold calling is all about and how to get started asap. So, make sure to stick till the end! 

What is Cold Calling?

Cold calling is when a salesperson calls to present a product or service to people. Your targeted audience is the people who came through multiple data collection methods, and you are calling them to let them know about your product or service. 

Think of it as knocking on doors but through the phone.

The whole idea is to introduce your business, raise interest, and convert these calls into sales. But before you start making calls, knowing how to make the right call is important.  

How to Start a Cold Call? 

No matter how you feel about cold calling (like the marketers mentioned above), the fact is it’s part of a client hunt. This becomes doubly important if you are a startup. Here’s how to do a cold the right way: 

Do Your Homework

Research the prospect and his company before picking up the phone. Gathering info on them lets you tailor your approach and let the other person know you’ve done your homework. 

You can use that homework during the call to find common ground and connect with the prospect. 

Pick The Best Time

If you’re going to do cold calling, you have to pick the best time. For example, Mondays are always busy as everyone gets into the swing of things and catches up on pre-scheduled meetings. Everyone is looking for a weekend on Friday, and nobody is in the mood for work (or your calls). 

So, catching someone mid-week means you are calling them at the right time. 

Focus On The Opening

Your opening line is the whole crux of the call. A simple introduction and relevant observations about the prospect’s business can get the conversation going. 

In the first few seconds of a cold call, your main goal is to buy time from a prospect. For example, “I was hoping to speak with you. Do you have two minutes?”


Active listening is actually part of the cold-calling strategy. It allows gathering a huge amount of information to hit pain points. When they discuss their pain points, you can write them down and address these points. 


Practice, practice, and keep on practicing your pitch. You can cold-call your boss or other sales representatives and role-play. Then, record the calls so that you can review your tone, tempo, word choice, and call strategy. 

How SalesCoach Can Help You In Cold Calling? 

We know that cold calling can be a dry and dreaded experience. But we can achieve better results with the right help on your side. 

Let us give you an example of our cold-calling process. 

We start by preparing the cold-call script for your client. We use this script to determine whether your prospects are worth calling. 

We start off with a personal touch and then address their problem and how we can help them. 

You just need to remember that the desire to solve a problem drives people to purchase goods.

Pro Tip: If you cold-contact someone and they show no interest in the problem you are solving, even though they deal with it on a daily basis, then they are not a prospect and should not be contacted again. 

Final Thoughts

Cold calling doesn’t have to be a difficult experience. With the right strategies, your calls can become valuable sources to connect with potential clients. 

SalesCoach helps you accomplish the main goals of each cold call: to qualify the lead, determine if they are the right prospects, and turn cold calls into hot ones by booking a meeting. 


What are cold vs hot calls?

A sales representative, calling a prospective client who has expressed interest in a product or service is known as hot calling. 

On the flip side, when a representative phones a potential client who hasn’t shown interest in a product or service, it is known as cold calling.

What are the 3 C’s of cold calling?

Contacting, Connecting, and Closing are the three Cs of cold calling. It indicates contacting possible clients, establishing a good connection with them, and effectively closing sales. 

Is cold calling easy?

It’s not simple to make multiple cold calls a day and speak with various people. And if you’re a beginner, it can get more stressful. So, if you are struggling, you can set up a free consultation with SalesCoach, and we’ll guide you through the whole process. 

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