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Cold Email Marketing 

Cold Email Marketing 

Do you know that around 77% of businesses ignore cold emails

Businesses are struggling to get noticed with the cold emails. We know the drill, as we were once part of it. 

But not anymore! 

If you don’t want your cold emails to end up in spam, this guide is for you. We’ll discuss how to make them super hot. 

Why Cold Email Marketing Matters?

Cold email marketing is all about sending emails to potential clients to introduce your business and services. It is considered one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies. 

You don’t have to invest a lot of cold emails. You get the emails, send them the message about your product or service, and voila, chances are you will get sales. 

But it’s not that simple! Your emails should provide value so businesses can say, “Yeah, this is what they are looking for.” 

To explain this better, imagine you’re a salesperson at a business event.  You spot someone you’d love to work with, but instead of introducing yourself, you hand them your business card and walk away. 

Do you expect to make contact with this person? Chances are, they’ll forget about you. 

Cold email marketing works the same way. If your email doesn’t stand out, you’ll be forgotten.

But how do you start the cold email marketing? Good question; let’s answer this. 

How To Start Cold Marketing Email The Right Way?

A business approached us last week and stated that cold email marketing isn’t worth it. Their manager said starting a cold email marketing campaign is daunting and useless. You have to send a bunch of emails to a bunch of strangers and hope you’ll generate sales. 

We replied with a bit of pun ( why not!). 

We told him that you must have met some dumb-a**, who told you that your business doesn’t require a cold email marketing campaign. 

After getting through with him, we convinced him why his business requires cold emails. We explained to him how to do it in a simple way. 


The subject line and first sentence of cold emails are your first impression, so we have to make it count! You can personalize it with the recipient’s name or a specific detail about their company.

For example, 

Subject: Website Needed

Hi [name of the person],

I’ve gone through your [website or social media] and noticed you don’t have a website. 

Warm Introduction

Begin with a friendly greeting and a compliment or observation about the recipient’s business. This shows you’ve done your homework and aren’t just sending a random email.

Provide Value 

Cut to the chase and explain what you offer and how it can benefit the recipient. No one has time to read lengthy emails. Remember, you’re sending cold emails to solve their problems. You aren’t going to solve their problems if your emails are super lengthy and too “salesy.” 

At [your business name], we specialize in [solution you offer], and I believe we can help you with [their specific problem].

Call to Action

End with a clear call to action. Whether scheduling a call or asking for a response, make sure to get the conversation going.

Here are some pro tips you need to remember: 

  • Keep It short and sweet. 
  • Use a conversational tone.
  • Highlight Benefits for their business, not features
  • Double-check your email for mistakes before hitting send. 

Here’s a cold email template that hits all the right notes:

Subject: Helping [client’s company name] Solve [mention the problem]

Hi [name of the person],

I hope this message finds you well! I’ve been following [client’s company name] and noticed [problem about the company]. At [your company name], we specialize in [solution you offer], and I believe we can help you with [specific problem].

Here’s how we’ve helped similar companies:

  • Case Study (you can place a link if you have a success story. You can skip this part if you don’t have one)

I’d love to schedule a meeting to discuss how we can achieve similar results for [client’s company name]. 

Looking forward to your response!



How SalesCoach Can Help In Cold Email Marketing? 

We understand that every business faces downturns. If you are struggling to generate sales through cold emails, we help you create emails that resonate with your targeted audience. So you don’t end up in spam. 

Personal Touch

We help you create emails that go beyond using the recipient’s name. Our approach involves understanding their pain points, recent activities, and interests to craft messages that truly resonate.

Optimal Sending Times

Sending emails at the right time is super important. We use data-driven insights to ensure your emails land in inboxes when they’re most likely to be opened and read. 

A/B Testing

We help you implement A/B testing to continuously improve your cold email campaigns. This allows you to test different subject lines, email formats, and messaging to determine what works best for your audience.

Follow-Up Sequences

We design effective follow-up email sequences that gently nudge recipients without coming across as pushy, increasing your chances of converting leads over time.

Analytics and Reporting

We provide detailed analytics and reporting on your email campaigns, giving you insights into key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This data helps in refining the overall strategy for even better results.

Final Thoughts

Cold email marketing doesn’t have to be a tiresome and fruitless process. With the right strategy, you can generate sales. 

If your business wants to increase sales, the right approach and a bit of help from SalesCoach can significantly impact your sales. For more, you can check our page here. 


Are cold emails successful?

Yes, cold emails can be very successful when done correctly. Businesses can achieve meaningful responses and conversions by focusing on personalization, relevance, and value. 

How do I get clients with cold emails?

You can turn cold emails into clients by understanding their needs and showing how your product or service can solve their problems.

How to write B2B cold emails?

Writing effective B2B cold emails requires a catchy subject line, a personalized email that shows you’ve done your homework, and a clearly stated value proposition. The goal is to send a pitch butt being not too salesy. 

How do you introduce yourself in a cold email?

You can introduce yourself with a friendly greeting and briefly mention who you are and your position. You can add a personal touch by explaining why you chose to contact them. 

How do I find cold emails?

You can find emails through LinkedIn, companies’ websites, online databases, and directories. 

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